Hacienda El Triunfo is a majestic 130 year old Hacienda hidden in the midst of the Tropical Dry Forest, near the colonial town of Honda, Colombia. In 1887, two Welsh brothers - Ivor and Robert Jones - arrived to this captivating paradise turning it into a sustainable cattle ranch whilst conserving the surrounding forest. Since then, the generations to come have carried on with this remarkable legacy. In 2014, the Hacienda was declared a Private Nature Reserve, conserving 7,418 hectares of Tropical Dry Forest which is a key, yet greatly threatened ecosystem both worldwide and in Colombia. The Reserve conserves 5 endangered species, half of the endemic species of the Valle del Rio Magdalena and more than half of the terrestrial mammals of the ecosystem. El Triunfo is currently dedicated to sustainable cattle ranching, ecological research, conservation, and ecotourism to protect this unique yet greatly endangered ecosystem.

Ride through the breathtaking landscapes of the Hacienda
Enjoy a 3 or 6 hour ride through the scenic mountains and valleys of the Hacienda on a Creole Horse with one of our local guides. Ride through the beautiful landscapes of the Tropical Dry Forest surrounded by majestic trees and unforgettable paths.

Discover unique birds in the most diverse country for birdlife: Colombia
Hacienda El Triunfo is home to more tan 130 species of birds, including 5 of the 10 endemic species of the Magdalena Valley lowlands. Spot exciting birds such as the Colombian chachalaca, Russet-throated puffbird, Apical flycatcher, White-eared conebill, the Velvet-fronted euphonia, amongst others.

Help us research the endangered Tropical Dry Forest
Tropical Dry Forests are one of the world’s most unique yet overlooked and endangered ecosystems with only 8% of the original cover remaining in Colombia. We work closely with research institutions to understand and further conserve this key ecosystem and its biodiversity.